Post by ssbiannual on May 13, 2018 20:25:28 GMT
this is a thread for everybody to place their visions/dreams/ experiences of the future for chronology sake. If you can describe your experience, jot it down, and then look back on it, maybe we can keep a record of the goings-on.
I had a dream a few weeks ago that a Silent Hill remaster was announced at e3. I was sitting with with my brothers watching the feed and said " there it is!" while the precognition solidified itself. Im pretty sure its gonna happen but... glp effect and all that.
Post by Source on Jun 13, 2018 5:51:47 GMT
Increase in fireballs and asteroid hits leading up to 2 massive hits - a big rock and possibly a comet.
Big rock Pacific ocean, near Japan, comet near equator.
Idk 2-5 years perhaps.
Increase in volcanic activity worldwide.
Bitcoin will plummet to 2000 or 200 and stay there for a few weeks or a month, and then go as high as 100,000 in a few weeks, up to 300k? Then level at 150k for a long time.
Alt: low at 4-5k, high to 90k, level at 45k.
4-6 months.
Post by ben on Jun 13, 2018 13:43:58 GMT
Biblical flood.. please?
Post by marduk on Jun 13, 2018 23:10:53 GMT
Hawaii volcano slips into sea , sends tsunami towards west cost of North America 200 meters high . Yellowstone blows from earthquake that Hawaii makes. Lol.
Post by 47 74 The Path on Jun 14, 2018 9:37:21 GMT
Dream: From the Sky there is super size shadow and then emerging very huge Ship/mother ship?
then some smaller craft descent
then some hovering probe
seems in modern day ?
but could be alternate dimension or some super ancient past
Post by marduk on Jun 14, 2018 21:51:59 GMT
Yellowstone eruption lasts months , sun light is blocked, mass extinction is under way . Planet cools ice age begins. True story.
Post by Source on Jun 17, 2018 16:45:35 GMT
Antarctica ice melt cascades 6-8 months from now, raising sea levels far higher than anyone thought possible, which leads to compression on mid-ocean plates, increased increased axial tilt and wobble, and new volcanoes appearing in Europe and Asia.
Solar minimum continue but extreme solar and space weather events become the norm.
Problems with the moon, but I can't see what it is right now - oh wait - the sea level rise changes the way the moon interacts with Earth via tides (?) Idk.
Post by marduk on Jun 18, 2018 2:16:29 GMT
I have noticed that Earths tilt is way off ,something is up .and it has to do with the ice caps .