Post by Caylus Ark on Oct 11, 2017 15:49:08 GMT
Collectively, what is the temperature of humanity?
It's jumpy here in the USA, as there is controversy with the president and there was a recent mass shooting in Texas that seemed almost totally senseless.
Left-brain thinking is still the dominant form of consciousness, but on the other hand, Barnes & Noble has changed their section from "New Age" to "Mystical Philosophies", which is on the whole a bit more serious.
When I was growing up, and realized that a natural consequence of bell's theorem was that consciousness acts directly on the physical world, it took a couple years for that idea to permeate the rest of the collective. I'm sure others had the realization around the same time as me, and in two or so years multiple books would start showing up in the quantum physics section about the conscious universe.
The peak of left-brain, "clockwork universe", mechanical consciousness has passed. Now any honest intellectual is forced to acknowledge that despite Aristotle's rule of noncontradiction, contradiction is a natural law. Light is particle and wave. Too bad.
So where is our consciousness? There is still certainly a strong vein of Rick and Morty pseudo-intellectualism among my own generation. I like the show, but the exact failings of the deterministic model of the universe are practically its basis. At least one message of the show is that nothing has a point or any meaning, and there is no God or force of love for people to rely on. This cynicism is very popular among the self-assured, for example, the meme that exploded written by a Rick and Morty fan...
- Know Your Meme
Funny as this is on it's own, it really does highlight the idea that a person of intellect must be a cynical nihilist and surely a fedora-tipping atheist.
Maybe some of the backlash against this comment comes from a recognition among people that this way of thinking has really become a bit trite and tired.
The model of current consciousness is less peak-left-brain at present and more 'disengaged' and 'compartmentalized' in the sense that we spend almost all of our time engaging with a virtual world rather then the actual one. It's constant distraction and stimulation, and it's very disorganized. Traditional TV is dying, but Youtube stars are rocketing to fame and fortune. If you have a successful youtube channel or twitch stream you can be directly hired into upper echelons of marketing firms. Kids have only ever known an online world - by 11 they have phones and they are on social media and some girls are so distressed by not getting instagram likes that they attempt suicide.
So this is the present atmosphere. Corporations are doing rather well, and people are lumbering to work and back and spending their money on whatever and the economy is holding up in this tense atmosphere. It's all about influencers, but the internet has given everyone such a vast access to influence that nobody is quite on the same page. Someone drowns in a Facebook pool, someone else is glued to 4chan, a bunch of young adults browse reddit, extroverts inhabit instagram and snapchat.
Spirituality, however, has made some inroads. There is a greater presence within the scientific community willing to acknowledge the right-brained intuitive universe, and acknowledge the helpfulness of tradition, meaning, and ritual. Now, this is not part of popular culture for the most part, and you wouldn't notice this greater acceptance if you didn't look into it a bit. More noticeable perhaps is the West's acceptance of the East's spirituality. Because for over a decade now scientists have been appreciating the benefits of practices like Yoga and Mindfulness, and observing real physiological differences in the Eastern adepts - who can change autonomic bodily functions and processes in the brain. This has engendered the scientific community favorably to at least a certain strain of spirituality. There is back up to support the existence of chi, or spiritual energy like chakra.
With political tensions so polarized and extreme, there is certainly a violent dichotomy in the USA, which has split the population in terms of self-identification ("it's not my america"). Perhaps the violence of the polarized parties might encourage the pendulum to swing in the direction of nonparty affiliates, if someone with influence starts talking about the absurdity of the political climate.
There isn't exactly a platform for people to have a significant voice, precisely because there are so many platforms and so many voices, and they talk so loud and command so much attention that it's difficult to get a word in edgewise. So good luck to the nobody, because nothing is going to collapse anytime soon...except possibly, a paradigm. The experiences of daily life for normal people are so far removed from what goes on at places like GLP that a conspiracy theorist may as well inhabit a different world. The prejudice against alternative thinking means anyone who believes something different then the official story needs to couch it in very careful terms.
Still, there is a big rift where the nihilistic emptiness lives in the heart of the coming-of-age generation. That is a point which could be reached if one, say, had a special sort of spear.
It's jumpy here in the USA, as there is controversy with the president and there was a recent mass shooting in Texas that seemed almost totally senseless.
Left-brain thinking is still the dominant form of consciousness, but on the other hand, Barnes & Noble has changed their section from "New Age" to "Mystical Philosophies", which is on the whole a bit more serious.
When I was growing up, and realized that a natural consequence of bell's theorem was that consciousness acts directly on the physical world, it took a couple years for that idea to permeate the rest of the collective. I'm sure others had the realization around the same time as me, and in two or so years multiple books would start showing up in the quantum physics section about the conscious universe.
The peak of left-brain, "clockwork universe", mechanical consciousness has passed. Now any honest intellectual is forced to acknowledge that despite Aristotle's rule of noncontradiction, contradiction is a natural law. Light is particle and wave. Too bad.
So where is our consciousness? There is still certainly a strong vein of Rick and Morty pseudo-intellectualism among my own generation. I like the show, but the exact failings of the deterministic model of the universe are practically its basis. At least one message of the show is that nothing has a point or any meaning, and there is no God or force of love for people to rely on. This cynicism is very popular among the self-assured, for example, the meme that exploded written by a Rick and Morty fan...
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎
Funny as this is on it's own, it really does highlight the idea that a person of intellect must be a cynical nihilist and surely a fedora-tipping atheist.
Maybe some of the backlash against this comment comes from a recognition among people that this way of thinking has really become a bit trite and tired.
The model of current consciousness is less peak-left-brain at present and more 'disengaged' and 'compartmentalized' in the sense that we spend almost all of our time engaging with a virtual world rather then the actual one. It's constant distraction and stimulation, and it's very disorganized. Traditional TV is dying, but Youtube stars are rocketing to fame and fortune. If you have a successful youtube channel or twitch stream you can be directly hired into upper echelons of marketing firms. Kids have only ever known an online world - by 11 they have phones and they are on social media and some girls are so distressed by not getting instagram likes that they attempt suicide.
So this is the present atmosphere. Corporations are doing rather well, and people are lumbering to work and back and spending their money on whatever and the economy is holding up in this tense atmosphere. It's all about influencers, but the internet has given everyone such a vast access to influence that nobody is quite on the same page. Someone drowns in a Facebook pool, someone else is glued to 4chan, a bunch of young adults browse reddit, extroverts inhabit instagram and snapchat.
Spirituality, however, has made some inroads. There is a greater presence within the scientific community willing to acknowledge the right-brained intuitive universe, and acknowledge the helpfulness of tradition, meaning, and ritual. Now, this is not part of popular culture for the most part, and you wouldn't notice this greater acceptance if you didn't look into it a bit. More noticeable perhaps is the West's acceptance of the East's spirituality. Because for over a decade now scientists have been appreciating the benefits of practices like Yoga and Mindfulness, and observing real physiological differences in the Eastern adepts - who can change autonomic bodily functions and processes in the brain. This has engendered the scientific community favorably to at least a certain strain of spirituality. There is back up to support the existence of chi, or spiritual energy like chakra.
With political tensions so polarized and extreme, there is certainly a violent dichotomy in the USA, which has split the population in terms of self-identification ("it's not my america"). Perhaps the violence of the polarized parties might encourage the pendulum to swing in the direction of nonparty affiliates, if someone with influence starts talking about the absurdity of the political climate.
There isn't exactly a platform for people to have a significant voice, precisely because there are so many platforms and so many voices, and they talk so loud and command so much attention that it's difficult to get a word in edgewise. So good luck to the nobody, because nothing is going to collapse anytime soon...except possibly, a paradigm. The experiences of daily life for normal people are so far removed from what goes on at places like GLP that a conspiracy theorist may as well inhabit a different world. The prejudice against alternative thinking means anyone who believes something different then the official story needs to couch it in very careful terms.
Still, there is a big rift where the nihilistic emptiness lives in the heart of the coming-of-age generation. That is a point which could be reached if one, say, had a special sort of spear.