Post by Johnny Dark Speak on Sept 22, 2022 22:33:02 GMT
LOOK. AT. THESE. TWO. TOTAL. IDIOTS. LOL HA-HA x333 Literally my own dance when I need to take a PISS looks better than that shit; it looks as if they are actually under some form of hypnotic voo-doo MK mind control and are unknowingly performing some dimwitted attempt at bringing up undead to the Earth, look how ZOMBIEFIED they look, total ZOMBIES, do they even HAVE souls... ? I think not !!! SO STUPID just LOOK at them, utter FOOLS !!! This cat dances better then they do: :catdance: HOLY F*** I thought I seen it all, then I watched those two retards on YouTube and had to make a GLP thread on it LOL Ha-HA !!! x333 Imagine being internet 'famous' for looking like a retard at a concert LOL HA-HA like hey yea baby wassup hehe I'm famous on YouTube bebe I got 2 million views for muh dancing skills bebe hehe check me out I guarantee U 100% if one of those RETARDS walked up to you on the train/public, they would NEVER tell you about that video, because it EMBARASSES them to see THIR RETARDATION on full display Sure, it's a concert, some may say they were on crack ETC, but I doubt it, I bet this is really them, fucking half-wits, total idiots I know, it almost sounds like I'm speaking from knowledge, like one of these fuckers actually walked up to me >:33 LOL HA-HA EVERYONE POINT N LAUGH AT THE FUCKING RETARD LOL HA_HA LOOK AT THAT FUCKING REATARDED WANNABE DANCE U CALL THAT DANCING ? LOL HA-HA LMFAOOOOOO !!! x333 Come to the July 12 Disco Dance-Ball we would LAUGH IN YOUR FUCKING FACE at that wannabee dancing LOL Ha-HA imgur.com/gallery/8FXfZ5t In fact, to that RETARDED RETARD who literally can't dance, U are NOT INVITED to the July 12 Disco Dance Party (and After-Party and Pre-Game Pre-Party) LOL Ha-HA x3333 PFFFFTTTT I could dance better than that 'tard with my legs tied up LOL HA-HA I danced those two twintards to HellVen >;33 [imgur]https://imgur.com/a/08c4xAr [/imgur] imgur.com/a/08c4xArLOLOLOL HAAAAAA-HAAAAAA