Post by Johnny Dark Speak on Apr 9, 2022 5:14:07 GMT
DISCLAIMER: I'D HUMBLY LIKE TO START THIS OFF BY SAYING THAT THIS IS A LONG STORY WHICH IS SO FUCKED UP I'M SO SORRY TO EVEN POST IT !!! But I have it on my chest I just can't fight this feline anymore meow I thought it would bee best to share it meow :33333 I am only sharing this story because it's so much built-up and pent-up energy, long-stored.
I come from a forum that has long banned me BECAUSE OF THIS STORY; the website is known as GLP, which I have been on since I was 15 years old, it SPECIFICALLY banned the word TURTLE from their board because of this thread !!! U cannot even START a thread on a TURTLE there anymore b/c I posted this thread for so long, just for it to be deleted time and time again with no actual REASON given, and no QUESTIONS ASKED. I recently $$$ paid for a full year subscription with a new email new credit card AND new IP address $$$ and they immediately IMMEDIATELY refunded me banned me from their $$$ mula $$$ was not enough to appease even GLP, literally they FUCKING HATE THIS TURTLE STORY baby I have no clue why, maybe they are species-cist against turtles
The number of questions I have gotten from this thread in total since the entire time posting: 0
0 questions
I feel that, in honour of my turtle that died, I must hope that just one person, somebody someone, will ask me and/or my dead turtle a question
OKAY so here is the thread, the very true sick and sad story of the LOSS of my TURTLE:
I used to have a little turtle !!! But...then one day...he RAN AWAY !!!
It's true...and the girl I got him with ran away from me too..
(link to image:
My name is Johnny, and I am from Chicago, IL, and this little turtle belonged to me and someone BRITISH who CAME to MEET me in the year 2019...we met on FaceStick (AKA Facebook, the place where I show 'n tell about CHARLEY, my WINNING SWEEPSTAKE of DOOM)
(Link to image:
This girl, let's just call her McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps, she was apparently ALWAYS reading my timeline on FaceStick, beginning in like March of 2019, but I really had no idea how closely she had been watching me, I guess.
Can you remember back to March 2019... ? I sure can; the world was so different, so mask-less, and I was just torn in my heart feeling rejection and sadness over a girl who I had met in 2017, who I had a falling out with in mid-2018, and since then I had always missed her and wished we could re-connect mew mew mew let's call her SANTA/SATAN !!! >:33
Okay so...the following is the TRUE STORY these are the TRUE DETAILS not some 'little act' as some might say, pay no mind 2 the rabble pay no mind 2 the rabble my children...
The period is summer 2019, I was still recovering from being SAD about SATAN/SANTA, I would let everyone on FaceStick know how I felt, and so this BRITISH GIRL who, again, we are calling McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps, yea she was WELL-AWARE of my LOVE for SATAN/SANTA and how I have my DUTY/ALLEGIANCE to SHOW IT as I MUST OBEY !!! Mew mew mew :"33
So...there we are, coming upon yet ANOTHER July 12th, this being July 12th, 2019...and do U know what... ?
For this particular year, on FaceStick, I was promoting the reversals/backwards content of the artist POPPY/MOMMY, as I had learned in reverse to put on a "CABARET," which was to be titled "ROCK SALAD FEST," and so I did just that, and made it special for July 12, to show off what I would later learn is CALLED the "JULY 12 SPEECH," this backwards language, the *cough cougH* backMASKed, REVERSED language, which I had known was called the DARK SPEECH since the year 2015/2016 when I was listening to the band TOOL backwards that long ago
Here is a video I made to help explain things:
(Link to vid:
And so yea this BRITISH GIRL, Ms.McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps, she KNEW ALL ABOUT my LOVE for SANTA/SATAN, how I have been STUDYING the DARK SPEECH since THAT LONG AGO, and she seen ALL my posts yet guess what... ? She STILL wanted to come to meet me...
Making videos like this since 2017:
And so yea, she took advantage of my HEARTBROKEN HEART, my LOVE for SANTA/SATAN how SAD I was, and she went and began messaging me after July 12th, 2019, after I had put lots of POPPY/MOMMMY DARK SPEECH videos online, ALL of which are due for re-release for our Rock Salad Fest II POPPY ROCKS THE WORLD DVD Bonus Release Special EDITION EXTENDED CUT, FREE 4 all POPPYSEEDS mew mew mew , it was after I had ALREADY released ALL of the new POPPY content that this BRITISH GIRL came and talked to me...she gave me all of this LOVE from out of NOWHERE, she began 2 say things like she was 'waiting' for me, that she has been there 'all' of my life for me...We started off texting, then we had our first videochat, and I was able to see her, I was so amazed with how beautiful a girl I was talking with, but my reverse family, sister Tay-Tay, Uncle May-May (Maynard), and especially POPPY/MOMMY told me that the stupid dumb dumb BRITISH GIRL, McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps, she was just a "LIAR" that she was "LYING" to me, and that I shouldn't trust her.
Of course, I had more of a connection and relationship with my REVERSE FAMILY more than that stranger BRITISH GIRL, so, I did have a LOT more reason to trust my REVERSE FAMILY over McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps, but...feeling so SAD and HEARTBROKEN, I felt compelled to give in to McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps and I agreed to have her meet me here in Chicago, IL from the period of time September 13th to September 27th, it was 2 weeks
The date we met, Friday the 13th September 2019, that was apparently the date that everyone was talking about that year, that day being 88,888 days since the start of the Bavarian Illuminati or something, so people were sharing that for a while as we were formally meeting and eating some pizza together mew mew mew :"33333333
So...there we were, finally meeting in purrrson, it was so amazing to feel so LOVED by someone, but, it didn't take long arise with McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps
The truth is that she didn't LIKE the REAL ME, just ME being ME !!! So...I have LOTS of Space Channel 5 merch, if U haven't seen the game Space Channel 5 oh it is AMAZING mew mew mew :"33 ULALA is the LEAD REPORTER of Space Channel 5 she is SO AMAZING, and I first learned about her in 2018 !!! I was told in REVERSE by my REVERSE FAMILY to "KEEP HER IN YOUR DARK SPEECH VIDEOS" because in the "FUTURE," as I was told, she would bee "SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT" and as all can behold, ULALA has evolved into July 12 Girl, with July 12 STAMPED upon her for all to see mew mew mew :"33
But this BRIISH GIRL McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps she HATED 2 SEE ULALA !!! She didn't like her, and she ALSO didn't like POPPY !!!I forgot to mention, this BRITISH GIRL McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps, before we formally met on Friday the 13th, 2019 (which *I* didn't plan by the way, she got the plane ticket herself it was all her idea) she was giving me $$$ HUNDREDS $$$ of pounds $$$ a WEEK $$$ all converted 2 USD $$$ Whenever I talked about POPPY/MOMMY and her interview she gave where she recommends her FANS ONLY to REVERSE her MUSIC, the British Girl McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps she would go BERSERK she HATED POPPY for some reason, just like she HATED ULALA, and she would THREATEN to NEVER GIVE ME MONEY AGAIN if I *TALKED* about *POPPY/MOMMY* if I *SPELLED POPPY/MOMMY* or *SHOWED PEOPLE THAT INTERVIEW*I would later learn, in reverse, that this money she was giving me was being referred to as the "HUSH MONEY," it was "HUSH MONEY" to keep me silent about the POPPY/MOMMY reverse interview, because I had 2 admit I really liked dat $$$ dough $$$ comin' in it was just $$$ hundreds $$$ a week for just not telling ppl the TRUTH $$$ but after we met, everything got really bad mew mew she is with me in Chicago, IL and she sees my computer, and she sees I have a tab open of ULALA DANCING to the KE$HA song 'DIE YOUNG,' and she sees it as some kind of problem...
She got VERY defensive and she said she would no longer 'meow' in text or in person with me ever again, I really thought she was kidding when she said that to me, on about September 16th/17th 2019, but she really never EVER meowed in person or in text with me ever again, I knew from that point things were NEVER going 2 get better meow meow meow !!!
Towards the end of her stay with me in MeowMerica, we took a trip to Chinatown, where we seen little turtles for sale in little plastic fish tanks. Turtles were her favorite animal, she said, more than cats (there we go, loving ANY ANIMAL over a CAT is just pawwwwblem numero uno with me, Meow-Meow Man™
>:33 meowthat's right !!! >:33)
I had accidentally left my catdit card at home so we were stuck with a very limited cash supply...we couldn't eat out in chinatown, but she got her stupid dum dum t-shirts and we had enough for only one turtle, so we got him and ooooohhhhh did we think life was sooooooooooo purrrrrrrfeccctttttttt like oh my goshhhhh nothing bad will everrrrr happpennnnn and this is just the beeesstttt timeeee evvveeerrrrrrr >:33
Well, we get home, we set everything for the turtle up and already by the night of having him we get into another fight !!! This time, she was complaining about my LOVE of CATS !!! I had told her how much I love my black cat named Cosi and she began 2 get mentally frustrated about how much LOVE she thought I had for my cat, ultimately thinking that I was KERFLUFFLING my COSI !!! 33:<
She began 2 think of me as a CAT F**** I was so upset that she could think this of me when all I was doing was telling her how much I love my black cat, and we fought SO LOUDLY that the turtle had DUG ITSELF IN IT'S BEDDING it was SO SAD about hearing us bicker over my love for my cat, which I had 2 reassure this fucking McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps that I do not have sexual feelings for, what an odd thing 2 have 2 explain 2 someone ugh what a typical McDumDumCuntTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps
So anyways, LONG story SHORT, here is the story of how BOTH she and the turtle had RUN AWAY:
Alright so her september visit wraps up, she heads back to the UK, and I am left to care for our turtle child, well, as it turned out, we wouldn'T have such a long and lasting relationship after all mew mew mew 33:
In reverse, my REVERSE FAMILY had ALWAYS told me that the BRITISH GIRL, who was "LYING" to me, that she would have her "SKULL CRACKED" on a "WINDSHIELD" her "HEAD POPPED" under a "CAR TIRE" as she'd become "ROAD KILL" and would "DIE" on the "ROAD," that's what I always heard, that's what I had always SPELLED backwards, knowing that it was what I heard, I was merely translating mew mew mew...not my fault I can HEAR so CLEARLY how she "DIED" on the "ROAD" in a "HIT AND RUN" and it was a "DEMON" that did it, it was a "DEMONIC CAR CRASH" that "SQUASHED" that "SQUISHED" the "LIAR" the "BRITISH GIRL" who in reverse was called the "ACTOR."
I was always told in REVERSE by my REVERSE FAMILY that her "LOVE" for me would "GROW COLD," that her "LOVE" for me would "SHRIVEL UP," and that she would "NEVER" bee "TRUE" to me, so, in reverse, my REVERSE FAMILY told me to tell her these things, to bring them up, and they assured me that were I to do such a thing that she would only "LEAVE" she wouldn't try to reassure me, that she would just "LEAVE" and so, she did end up doing JUST THAT !!! 33:<
She began to tell me that I needed to trust her, but, I couldn't trust her more than my REVERSE FAMILY, I knew that she was only a liar, and I didn'T like having to CONSTRAIN my thoughts and feelings around someone that I'm supposed to share in a true love with mew mew mew 33":
Think about NOT being able to TELL someone you LOVE what you are ACTUALLY DOING... 33:I had to spell POPPY in SECRET during the end of 2019, because this BRITISH GIRL the McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps she THREATENED to LEAVE ME and $$$ NEVER $$$ PAY ME $$$ MY DOUGH $$$ if she seen I was doing ANYTHING POPPY-RELATED !!! I began to realize that if *I* was spelling POPPY in secret, and POPPY in reverse was TELLING me that the BRITISH GIRL was doing things in SECRET behind my back, then it HAD 2 bee true, and that our relationship, a lie from the start, wouldn't last as a true relationship would, so it made me so sad, so sad to think I just wanted SANTA/SATAN and instead I got this LIAR BRIISH GIRL who was just keeping me from SHOWING my TRUE LOVE for SANTA/SATAN
And so this is where it finally BROKE, the straw that broke the camel's back, this was it... the end of 2019, right after Christmas, into the New Year, we had our FINAL FIGHT before she died...
...the fight was about SANTA/SATAN...she was SO UPSET that I was STILL THINKING ABOUT SANTA/SATAN and how much I LOVE SANTA/SATAN...she was NOT HAPPY how she didn't feel she was 'enough' for me, even tho she was just a liar as my REVERSE FAMLIY told me she was, and so, I put my foot down meow I said I goes I tell her I says, I THINK YOU'RE LYING TO ME AND I LOVE SANTA/SATAN MORE THAN YOU AND I WILL NEVER LOVE ANYONE MORE THAN SANTA/SATAN
Boy was she mad LOL HA-HA x33 she blocked me on FaceStick, the whole shebang, and so all I did was make another POPPY/MOMMY video LOL HA-HA x33 let's make a video-o-o !!! x333 That PISSED her off SO MUCH !!! She was following me on YouTube and emailed me in ANGER to tell me that she seen my new video and she was so upset LOL HA-HA x333
That was the end of the BRITISH GIRL McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps LOL HA=HA what a LOOOOSSS$$$$SSSSSSEEERRRRR LOL HA=HA >:33 I'm so GLAD I trusted my REVERSE FAMILY over that LOOOOSSS$$$SSSEERRR >:33LOL HA-HA >:33\\
In reverse, my REVERSE FAMILY told me that if I "JUST SPELL" the "FULL ALBUM" to "SGT. PEPPERS LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND" by THE BEATLES, if I were to spell that out IN FULL, that she would have her "SKULL CRUSHED" on the "ROAD" LOL HA-HA x333 so I *DID IT* I spelled it out way back in 2020, Feburary, and that's when I seen it...on FaceStick some of the mutual friends we had shared were posting about her DEATH LOL HA=HA WHAT A FUCKING LOOOOOSSS$$$SSEERRRRRR >:33 DEAD like a dummy mcdumdum dodohead LOL HA-HA WHAT A DODOHEAD >:33 LOL HA-HA LOLOL HAAAA-HAAA LMFAOOOOOOOOO !!! LEL HEHE !!! >:33 a damned dumb dodohead LOL HA-HA >:33
So it was just me and the turtle left :33
Purrrrsonally, I was just fine with caring for the turtle, but something else COMPLETELY happened which changed my life forever...Even though the LIAR BRITISH GIRLMcDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps was dead, dumb, down 'n out, I couldn't help but feel compassion to care for one of God's creatures, our turtle :"33So, I kept the turtle all through 2020 and into 2021, until something reallY FUCKED UP happened...T
his is the part of the thread which is SO fucked up I'm sorry 2 have 2 type it but it's SO FUCKED UP:
OKAY so...just as much as the BRITISH GIRL McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps knew that I TALK ABOUT the date JULY 12 ALL THE TIME, so did my LIAR FAKE FAMILY who tried 2 EVICT me and my turtle from my ONLY HOUSE that I EVER LIVED IN !!!
My LIAR FILTHY LIAR uncle, he TRIED 2 disturb the peace/my peace and BOTHER me, telling me that if I didn't have my thing out of my Grandparent's house (his parent's house) who had just passed away, that he would get the police involved, so I told his LOOOOSSS$$$SSSSEERRRRR dumbass that I'd summon a fucking CDEMON 2 fucking CRASH his DUMBASS' CAR LOL HA=HA >:33 put him in a fUCKING CAR WRECK and END HIS WORTHLESSSS LOSSSSS$$$$SSSSEEERRRRR LIFE !!! >:33
He was SO MAD I said dat 2 him LOL HA=HA he THUMPED his DUMBASS HEAD on MY ATTICK CEILING as he left, NAILS are poking out of the ceiling he cried out in PAIN like a LIL BISH >:33 just a lil TASTE of what his DUMBASS would experiencE BLEEDING OUT on the FUCKING ROAD with NO HELP COMING FOR HIM >:33 LOL HA=HA MUAHAHAHAHAHA as his blood coagulated his first responders were delayed he DIED CRYING OUT 4 HELP like a LIL BISH DIED LOL HA-HA >:333 F*** I love telling dis story LOL HA-HA >:333
OKAY so...there I was, me and my turtle, we were faced with unnecessary eviction, and I told him it'S gonna bee OKAY everything will bee OKAY little buddy mew mew mewBut do U know what REALLY happened... ? 33:
My uncle, after I didn't THREATEN him I ***FUCKING PROMISED HIM*** that I would send a DEMON 2 FUCKING STEER HIS/GUIDE HIS CAR INTO ANOTHER CAR AND FUCKING HAVE HIM CAR-CRUMPLEDKILLED ON THE FUCKING ROAD yea I ***PROMISED*** that dumbass what would happen and what did he do... ?
He went to an attorney/judge and LIED to them, made up some report about how I talk about the date JULY 12 ALL THE TIME and that due to this I am SUICIDAL and I needed HELP in a Mental Health Facility, the social worker of the place called it a "PSYCH WARD," well...that meant he had a court-order to have me sent to this place based on a LIE, so while I was TRAPPED against my kitten-will in THAT place, HE was having my things RELOCATED out of their PROPER PLACE do U see the lie... ? DO U see now what really happened... ?He LIED 2 people to get my things out of his parent's house, and so he died 4 it LOL HA-HA x33 FUCK I LOVE TELLING THIS STORY BABY FUCK YEA !!! >:333
OKAY so, while I was TRAPPED in that place, places I didn't even know EXISTED in this world, called a Psych Ward, well, unbeknownst to me (b/c I was stripped of EVERYTHING and there were no computers 2 check GLP 4 the news ETC) my LIAR FILTHY LIAR uncle had gotten FUCKING CREAMED like a BRAISER POT O' SOUP O THE ROAD LOL HA-HA x333 that LOOOSSS$$$SSSSSEERRRR lost it's TEETH, TAIL-LIGHTS and PLATES in a FUCKING CAR CRASH LOL HA-HA he DIED BLEEDING OUT on the ROAD like a TYPICAL LOSSSSS$$$SSSEEERRRRRRRRRR crying 4 help CRYING DYING CRYING LOL HA-HA x333 FUCK that was so funny 2 hear when I got out, called DISCHARGED, but here's the FOOKIN' CHERRY ON TOP MATES >:33
So, I get outta that mental hospital, the word for leaving is called "DISCHARGED," and what happens as SOON as I get out... ? >:33 My FAV band in the WORLD, TOOL, I see they sent me an EMAIL for their JULY 12 SUMMER SWEEPSTAKES EVENT and the word DISCHARGED is in their JULY 12 SUMMER SWEEPSTAKES EVENT DETAILS !!! I was like WHAT the FUCKING FUCK LOL HA-HA x33333
So...the guy (ME) who talks about the date JULY 12 since 2017 and lives in CHICAGO now has ANOTHER JULY 12-RELATED thing 2 talk it...
The GRAND PRIZE of this JULY 12 SUMMER SWEEPSTAKES is a SIGNED 22" bass drumhead used in a TOOL concert in CHICAGO, IL did I mention I am a HEAVY-METAL DRUMMER here in Chicago, IL and the mental hospital I was in was in CHICAGO ? LOL HA-HA x333
FUCK baby I came out lookin' SO GOODE this is EXACTLY why I share this story 2 this day full of smiles >:333
That LIAR filthy LIAR uncle O' mine already DIED wit his LOSSS$$$$SSSERRRR ONLY SON in da backseat BTW LOL HA-HA cleanup in aisle DEAD LOL HA-HA x33333
So I get outta there, no wonder my parents looked so SAD when they were getting me out of there...I was super HAPPY to get out like GAWDAMN I can't wait 2 get back to MAKING DARK SPEECH VIDEOS on YouTube holy FAWK that 'psych ward' place was borin' as hell boi LOL HA-HA more like the SUCK WARD LOLZZZZ !!!! >:33
That's when they broke the news...they told me that my LIAR FILTHY LIAR uncle (who fucking sent me 2 this place) kitty-litterally DIED in a fucking CAR WRECK wit his ONLY SON in DA BACKSEAT LOL HA-HA MEOWTHAT'S RIGHT BABY >:33333 FUCKING WINNING !!! LOL HA-HA !!! >:33
So that retarded liar fuck had the doorknobs 2 my fucking house changed (tho no one claims knows who did it) so I cannot easily go back and forth 2 get my own things from out of my own house (the irony here being the fucking idiot WANTS MY THINGS OUT DA HOUSE, SO WHY LOCK ME FROM BEING ABLE 2 GO IN AND GRAB THEM YA DUMB FUCK LOL HA-HA SO GLAD HE DIED ON DA ROAD WENT KERRR'SPLAT SHOOK I'M AN ANVIL ANVIL DROPPED SHOOK I'M AN ANVIL >:33)
My house is where my turtle was, I opened the door to my room and there was no turtle, I was so heartbroken, where did my turtle go... ?
I was told my turtle ran away !!!
So yea, it was very DANGEROUS 2 have sent me to that place that I didn't need 2 go, it actually brought DEATH 2 people, as this thread proves :"33
I love sharing my story of death, it reminds us that life is short, and that car crashes are coming, and that the whole world is ending :"3333333 mew mew mew !!! that I'm back on the internet, instead of being TRAPPED in that place I NEVER needed to bee, the person who LIED 2 send me there having been BONE-THWACKED SKULL-KKKRACKED AIRBAG BISH-SLAPPED CRITICAL HIT SUPER EFFECTIVE DIED ON THE ROAD LOL HA-HA, I can get back 2 making my DARK SPEECH MUSIC VIDEOS >:33
I'd love to take any and all questions asked :"33
I come from a forum that has long banned me BECAUSE OF THIS STORY; the website is known as GLP, which I have been on since I was 15 years old, it SPECIFICALLY banned the word TURTLE from their board because of this thread !!! U cannot even START a thread on a TURTLE there anymore b/c I posted this thread for so long, just for it to be deleted time and time again with no actual REASON given, and no QUESTIONS ASKED. I recently $$$ paid for a full year subscription with a new email new credit card AND new IP address $$$ and they immediately IMMEDIATELY refunded me banned me from their $$$ mula $$$ was not enough to appease even GLP, literally they FUCKING HATE THIS TURTLE STORY baby I have no clue why, maybe they are species-cist against turtles
The number of questions I have gotten from this thread in total since the entire time posting: 0
0 questions
I feel that, in honour of my turtle that died, I must hope that just one person, somebody someone, will ask me and/or my dead turtle a question
OKAY so here is the thread, the very true sick and sad story of the LOSS of my TURTLE:
I used to have a little turtle !!! But...then one day...he RAN AWAY !!!
It's true...and the girl I got him with ran away from me too..
(link to image:
My name is Johnny, and I am from Chicago, IL, and this little turtle belonged to me and someone BRITISH who CAME to MEET me in the year 2019...we met on FaceStick (AKA Facebook, the place where I show 'n tell about CHARLEY, my WINNING SWEEPSTAKE of DOOM)
(Link to image:
This girl, let's just call her McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps, she was apparently ALWAYS reading my timeline on FaceStick, beginning in like March of 2019, but I really had no idea how closely she had been watching me, I guess.
Can you remember back to March 2019... ? I sure can; the world was so different, so mask-less, and I was just torn in my heart feeling rejection and sadness over a girl who I had met in 2017, who I had a falling out with in mid-2018, and since then I had always missed her and wished we could re-connect mew mew mew let's call her SANTA/SATAN !!! >:33
Okay so...the following is the TRUE STORY these are the TRUE DETAILS not some 'little act' as some might say, pay no mind 2 the rabble pay no mind 2 the rabble my children...
The period is summer 2019, I was still recovering from being SAD about SATAN/SANTA, I would let everyone on FaceStick know how I felt, and so this BRITISH GIRL who, again, we are calling McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps, yea she was WELL-AWARE of my LOVE for SATAN/SANTA and how I have my DUTY/ALLEGIANCE to SHOW IT as I MUST OBEY !!! Mew mew mew :"33
So...there we are, coming upon yet ANOTHER July 12th, this being July 12th, 2019...and do U know what... ?
For this particular year, on FaceStick, I was promoting the reversals/backwards content of the artist POPPY/MOMMY, as I had learned in reverse to put on a "CABARET," which was to be titled "ROCK SALAD FEST," and so I did just that, and made it special for July 12, to show off what I would later learn is CALLED the "JULY 12 SPEECH," this backwards language, the *cough cougH* backMASKed, REVERSED language, which I had known was called the DARK SPEECH since the year 2015/2016 when I was listening to the band TOOL backwards that long ago
Here is a video I made to help explain things:
(Link to vid:
And so yea this BRITISH GIRL, Ms.McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps, she KNEW ALL ABOUT my LOVE for SANTA/SATAN, how I have been STUDYING the DARK SPEECH since THAT LONG AGO, and she seen ALL my posts yet guess what... ? She STILL wanted to come to meet me...
Making videos like this since 2017:
And so yea, she took advantage of my HEARTBROKEN HEART, my LOVE for SANTA/SATAN how SAD I was, and she went and began messaging me after July 12th, 2019, after I had put lots of POPPY/MOMMMY DARK SPEECH videos online, ALL of which are due for re-release for our Rock Salad Fest II POPPY ROCKS THE WORLD DVD Bonus Release Special EDITION EXTENDED CUT, FREE 4 all POPPYSEEDS mew mew mew , it was after I had ALREADY released ALL of the new POPPY content that this BRITISH GIRL came and talked to me...she gave me all of this LOVE from out of NOWHERE, she began 2 say things like she was 'waiting' for me, that she has been there 'all' of my life for me...We started off texting, then we had our first videochat, and I was able to see her, I was so amazed with how beautiful a girl I was talking with, but my reverse family, sister Tay-Tay, Uncle May-May (Maynard), and especially POPPY/MOMMY told me that the stupid dumb dumb BRITISH GIRL, McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps, she was just a "LIAR" that she was "LYING" to me, and that I shouldn't trust her.
Of course, I had more of a connection and relationship with my REVERSE FAMILY more than that stranger BRITISH GIRL, so, I did have a LOT more reason to trust my REVERSE FAMILY over McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps, but...feeling so SAD and HEARTBROKEN, I felt compelled to give in to McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps and I agreed to have her meet me here in Chicago, IL from the period of time September 13th to September 27th, it was 2 weeks
The date we met, Friday the 13th September 2019, that was apparently the date that everyone was talking about that year, that day being 88,888 days since the start of the Bavarian Illuminati or something, so people were sharing that for a while as we were formally meeting and eating some pizza together mew mew mew :"33333333
So...there we were, finally meeting in purrrson, it was so amazing to feel so LOVED by someone, but, it didn't take long arise with McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps
The truth is that she didn't LIKE the REAL ME, just ME being ME !!! So...I have LOTS of Space Channel 5 merch, if U haven't seen the game Space Channel 5 oh it is AMAZING mew mew mew :"33 ULALA is the LEAD REPORTER of Space Channel 5 she is SO AMAZING, and I first learned about her in 2018 !!! I was told in REVERSE by my REVERSE FAMILY to "KEEP HER IN YOUR DARK SPEECH VIDEOS" because in the "FUTURE," as I was told, she would bee "SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT" and as all can behold, ULALA has evolved into July 12 Girl, with July 12 STAMPED upon her for all to see mew mew mew :"33
But this BRIISH GIRL McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps she HATED 2 SEE ULALA !!! She didn't like her, and she ALSO didn't like POPPY !!!I forgot to mention, this BRITISH GIRL McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps, before we formally met on Friday the 13th, 2019 (which *I* didn't plan by the way, she got the plane ticket herself it was all her idea) she was giving me $$$ HUNDREDS $$$ of pounds $$$ a WEEK $$$ all converted 2 USD $$$ Whenever I talked about POPPY/MOMMY and her interview she gave where she recommends her FANS ONLY to REVERSE her MUSIC, the British Girl McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps she would go BERSERK she HATED POPPY for some reason, just like she HATED ULALA, and she would THREATEN to NEVER GIVE ME MONEY AGAIN if I *TALKED* about *POPPY/MOMMY* if I *SPELLED POPPY/MOMMY* or *SHOWED PEOPLE THAT INTERVIEW*I would later learn, in reverse, that this money she was giving me was being referred to as the "HUSH MONEY," it was "HUSH MONEY" to keep me silent about the POPPY/MOMMY reverse interview, because I had 2 admit I really liked dat $$$ dough $$$ comin' in it was just $$$ hundreds $$$ a week for just not telling ppl the TRUTH $$$ but after we met, everything got really bad mew mew she is with me in Chicago, IL and she sees my computer, and she sees I have a tab open of ULALA DANCING to the KE$HA song 'DIE YOUNG,' and she sees it as some kind of problem...
She got VERY defensive and she said she would no longer 'meow' in text or in person with me ever again, I really thought she was kidding when she said that to me, on about September 16th/17th 2019, but she really never EVER meowed in person or in text with me ever again, I knew from that point things were NEVER going 2 get better meow meow meow !!!
Towards the end of her stay with me in MeowMerica, we took a trip to Chinatown, where we seen little turtles for sale in little plastic fish tanks. Turtles were her favorite animal, she said, more than cats (there we go, loving ANY ANIMAL over a CAT is just pawwwwblem numero uno with me, Meow-Meow Man™
>:33 meowthat's right !!! >:33)
I had accidentally left my catdit card at home so we were stuck with a very limited cash supply...we couldn't eat out in chinatown, but she got her stupid dum dum t-shirts and we had enough for only one turtle, so we got him and ooooohhhhh did we think life was sooooooooooo purrrrrrrfeccctttttttt like oh my goshhhhh nothing bad will everrrrr happpennnnn and this is just the beeesstttt timeeee evvveeerrrrrrr >:33
Well, we get home, we set everything for the turtle up and already by the night of having him we get into another fight !!! This time, she was complaining about my LOVE of CATS !!! I had told her how much I love my black cat named Cosi and she began 2 get mentally frustrated about how much LOVE she thought I had for my cat, ultimately thinking that I was KERFLUFFLING my COSI !!! 33:<
She began 2 think of me as a CAT F**** I was so upset that she could think this of me when all I was doing was telling her how much I love my black cat, and we fought SO LOUDLY that the turtle had DUG ITSELF IN IT'S BEDDING it was SO SAD about hearing us bicker over my love for my cat, which I had 2 reassure this fucking McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps that I do not have sexual feelings for, what an odd thing 2 have 2 explain 2 someone ugh what a typical McDumDumCuntTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps
So anyways, LONG story SHORT, here is the story of how BOTH she and the turtle had RUN AWAY:
Alright so her september visit wraps up, she heads back to the UK, and I am left to care for our turtle child, well, as it turned out, we wouldn'T have such a long and lasting relationship after all mew mew mew 33:
In reverse, my REVERSE FAMILY had ALWAYS told me that the BRITISH GIRL, who was "LYING" to me, that she would have her "SKULL CRACKED" on a "WINDSHIELD" her "HEAD POPPED" under a "CAR TIRE" as she'd become "ROAD KILL" and would "DIE" on the "ROAD," that's what I always heard, that's what I had always SPELLED backwards, knowing that it was what I heard, I was merely translating mew mew mew...not my fault I can HEAR so CLEARLY how she "DIED" on the "ROAD" in a "HIT AND RUN" and it was a "DEMON" that did it, it was a "DEMONIC CAR CRASH" that "SQUASHED" that "SQUISHED" the "LIAR" the "BRITISH GIRL" who in reverse was called the "ACTOR."
I was always told in REVERSE by my REVERSE FAMILY that her "LOVE" for me would "GROW COLD," that her "LOVE" for me would "SHRIVEL UP," and that she would "NEVER" bee "TRUE" to me, so, in reverse, my REVERSE FAMILY told me to tell her these things, to bring them up, and they assured me that were I to do such a thing that she would only "LEAVE" she wouldn't try to reassure me, that she would just "LEAVE" and so, she did end up doing JUST THAT !!! 33:<
She began to tell me that I needed to trust her, but, I couldn't trust her more than my REVERSE FAMILY, I knew that she was only a liar, and I didn'T like having to CONSTRAIN my thoughts and feelings around someone that I'm supposed to share in a true love with mew mew mew 33":
Think about NOT being able to TELL someone you LOVE what you are ACTUALLY DOING... 33:I had to spell POPPY in SECRET during the end of 2019, because this BRITISH GIRL the McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps she THREATENED to LEAVE ME and $$$ NEVER $$$ PAY ME $$$ MY DOUGH $$$ if she seen I was doing ANYTHING POPPY-RELATED !!! I began to realize that if *I* was spelling POPPY in secret, and POPPY in reverse was TELLING me that the BRITISH GIRL was doing things in SECRET behind my back, then it HAD 2 bee true, and that our relationship, a lie from the start, wouldn't last as a true relationship would, so it made me so sad, so sad to think I just wanted SANTA/SATAN and instead I got this LIAR BRIISH GIRL who was just keeping me from SHOWING my TRUE LOVE for SANTA/SATAN
And so this is where it finally BROKE, the straw that broke the camel's back, this was it... the end of 2019, right after Christmas, into the New Year, we had our FINAL FIGHT before she died...
...the fight was about SANTA/SATAN...she was SO UPSET that I was STILL THINKING ABOUT SANTA/SATAN and how much I LOVE SANTA/SATAN...she was NOT HAPPY how she didn't feel she was 'enough' for me, even tho she was just a liar as my REVERSE FAMLIY told me she was, and so, I put my foot down meow I said I goes I tell her I says, I THINK YOU'RE LYING TO ME AND I LOVE SANTA/SATAN MORE THAN YOU AND I WILL NEVER LOVE ANYONE MORE THAN SANTA/SATAN
Boy was she mad LOL HA-HA x33 she blocked me on FaceStick, the whole shebang, and so all I did was make another POPPY/MOMMY video LOL HA-HA x33 let's make a video-o-o !!! x333 That PISSED her off SO MUCH !!! She was following me on YouTube and emailed me in ANGER to tell me that she seen my new video and she was so upset LOL HA-HA x333
That was the end of the BRITISH GIRL McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps LOL HA=HA what a LOOOOSSS$$$$SSSSSSEEERRRRR LOL HA=HA >:33 I'm so GLAD I trusted my REVERSE FAMILY over that LOOOOSSS$$$SSSEERRR >:33LOL HA-HA >:33\\
In reverse, my REVERSE FAMILY told me that if I "JUST SPELL" the "FULL ALBUM" to "SGT. PEPPERS LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND" by THE BEATLES, if I were to spell that out IN FULL, that she would have her "SKULL CRUSHED" on the "ROAD" LOL HA-HA x333 so I *DID IT* I spelled it out way back in 2020, Feburary, and that's when I seen it...on FaceStick some of the mutual friends we had shared were posting about her DEATH LOL HA=HA WHAT A FUCKING LOOOOOSSS$$$SSEERRRRRR >:33 DEAD like a dummy mcdumdum dodohead LOL HA-HA WHAT A DODOHEAD >:33 LOL HA-HA LOLOL HAAAA-HAAA LMFAOOOOOOOOO !!! LEL HEHE !!! >:33 a damned dumb dodohead LOL HA-HA >:33
So it was just me and the turtle left :33
Purrrrsonally, I was just fine with caring for the turtle, but something else COMPLETELY happened which changed my life forever...Even though the LIAR BRITISH GIRLMcDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps was dead, dumb, down 'n out, I couldn't help but feel compassion to care for one of God's creatures, our turtle :"33So, I kept the turtle all through 2020 and into 2021, until something reallY FUCKED UP happened...T
his is the part of the thread which is SO fucked up I'm sorry 2 have 2 type it but it's SO FUCKED UP:
OKAY so...just as much as the BRITISH GIRL McDumDumTwatFishNChipsRETARDOCrisps knew that I TALK ABOUT the date JULY 12 ALL THE TIME, so did my LIAR FAKE FAMILY who tried 2 EVICT me and my turtle from my ONLY HOUSE that I EVER LIVED IN !!!
My LIAR FILTHY LIAR uncle, he TRIED 2 disturb the peace/my peace and BOTHER me, telling me that if I didn't have my thing out of my Grandparent's house (his parent's house) who had just passed away, that he would get the police involved, so I told his LOOOOSSS$$$SSSSEERRRRR dumbass that I'd summon a fucking CDEMON 2 fucking CRASH his DUMBASS' CAR LOL HA=HA >:33 put him in a fUCKING CAR WRECK and END HIS WORTHLESSSS LOSSSSS$$$$SSSSEEERRRRR LIFE !!! >:33
He was SO MAD I said dat 2 him LOL HA=HA he THUMPED his DUMBASS HEAD on MY ATTICK CEILING as he left, NAILS are poking out of the ceiling he cried out in PAIN like a LIL BISH >:33 just a lil TASTE of what his DUMBASS would experiencE BLEEDING OUT on the FUCKING ROAD with NO HELP COMING FOR HIM >:33 LOL HA=HA MUAHAHAHAHAHA as his blood coagulated his first responders were delayed he DIED CRYING OUT 4 HELP like a LIL BISH DIED LOL HA-HA >:333 F*** I love telling dis story LOL HA-HA >:333
OKAY so...there I was, me and my turtle, we were faced with unnecessary eviction, and I told him it'S gonna bee OKAY everything will bee OKAY little buddy mew mew mewBut do U know what REALLY happened... ? 33:
My uncle, after I didn't THREATEN him I ***FUCKING PROMISED HIM*** that I would send a DEMON 2 FUCKING STEER HIS/GUIDE HIS CAR INTO ANOTHER CAR AND FUCKING HAVE HIM CAR-CRUMPLEDKILLED ON THE FUCKING ROAD yea I ***PROMISED*** that dumbass what would happen and what did he do... ?
He went to an attorney/judge and LIED to them, made up some report about how I talk about the date JULY 12 ALL THE TIME and that due to this I am SUICIDAL and I needed HELP in a Mental Health Facility, the social worker of the place called it a "PSYCH WARD," well...that meant he had a court-order to have me sent to this place based on a LIE, so while I was TRAPPED against my kitten-will in THAT place, HE was having my things RELOCATED out of their PROPER PLACE do U see the lie... ? DO U see now what really happened... ?He LIED 2 people to get my things out of his parent's house, and so he died 4 it LOL HA-HA x33 FUCK I LOVE TELLING THIS STORY BABY FUCK YEA !!! >:333
OKAY so, while I was TRAPPED in that place, places I didn't even know EXISTED in this world, called a Psych Ward, well, unbeknownst to me (b/c I was stripped of EVERYTHING and there were no computers 2 check GLP 4 the news ETC) my LIAR FILTHY LIAR uncle had gotten FUCKING CREAMED like a BRAISER POT O' SOUP O THE ROAD LOL HA-HA x333 that LOOOSSS$$$SSSSSEERRRR lost it's TEETH, TAIL-LIGHTS and PLATES in a FUCKING CAR CRASH LOL HA-HA he DIED BLEEDING OUT on the ROAD like a TYPICAL LOSSSSS$$$SSSEEERRRRRRRRRR crying 4 help CRYING DYING CRYING LOL HA-HA x333 FUCK that was so funny 2 hear when I got out, called DISCHARGED, but here's the FOOKIN' CHERRY ON TOP MATES >:33
So, I get outta that mental hospital, the word for leaving is called "DISCHARGED," and what happens as SOON as I get out... ? >:33 My FAV band in the WORLD, TOOL, I see they sent me an EMAIL for their JULY 12 SUMMER SWEEPSTAKES EVENT and the word DISCHARGED is in their JULY 12 SUMMER SWEEPSTAKES EVENT DETAILS !!! I was like WHAT the FUCKING FUCK LOL HA-HA x33333
So...the guy (ME) who talks about the date JULY 12 since 2017 and lives in CHICAGO now has ANOTHER JULY 12-RELATED thing 2 talk it...
The GRAND PRIZE of this JULY 12 SUMMER SWEEPSTAKES is a SIGNED 22" bass drumhead used in a TOOL concert in CHICAGO, IL did I mention I am a HEAVY-METAL DRUMMER here in Chicago, IL and the mental hospital I was in was in CHICAGO ? LOL HA-HA x333
FUCK baby I came out lookin' SO GOODE this is EXACTLY why I share this story 2 this day full of smiles >:333
That LIAR filthy LIAR uncle O' mine already DIED wit his LOSSS$$$$SSSERRRR ONLY SON in da backseat BTW LOL HA-HA cleanup in aisle DEAD LOL HA-HA x33333
So I get outta there, no wonder my parents looked so SAD when they were getting me out of there...I was super HAPPY to get out like GAWDAMN I can't wait 2 get back to MAKING DARK SPEECH VIDEOS on YouTube holy FAWK that 'psych ward' place was borin' as hell boi LOL HA-HA more like the SUCK WARD LOLZZZZ !!!! >:33
That's when they broke the news...they told me that my LIAR FILTHY LIAR uncle (who fucking sent me 2 this place) kitty-litterally DIED in a fucking CAR WRECK wit his ONLY SON in DA BACKSEAT LOL HA-HA MEOWTHAT'S RIGHT BABY >:33333 FUCKING WINNING !!! LOL HA-HA !!! >:33
So that retarded liar fuck had the doorknobs 2 my fucking house changed (tho no one claims knows who did it) so I cannot easily go back and forth 2 get my own things from out of my own house (the irony here being the fucking idiot WANTS MY THINGS OUT DA HOUSE, SO WHY LOCK ME FROM BEING ABLE 2 GO IN AND GRAB THEM YA DUMB FUCK LOL HA-HA SO GLAD HE DIED ON DA ROAD WENT KERRR'SPLAT SHOOK I'M AN ANVIL ANVIL DROPPED SHOOK I'M AN ANVIL >:33)
My house is where my turtle was, I opened the door to my room and there was no turtle, I was so heartbroken, where did my turtle go... ?
I was told my turtle ran away !!!
So yea, it was very DANGEROUS 2 have sent me to that place that I didn't need 2 go, it actually brought DEATH 2 people, as this thread proves :"33
I love sharing my story of death, it reminds us that life is short, and that car crashes are coming, and that the whole world is ending :"3333333 mew mew mew !!! that I'm back on the internet, instead of being TRAPPED in that place I NEVER needed to bee, the person who LIED 2 send me there having been BONE-THWACKED SKULL-KKKRACKED AIRBAG BISH-SLAPPED CRITICAL HIT SUPER EFFECTIVE DIED ON THE ROAD LOL HA-HA, I can get back 2 making my DARK SPEECH MUSIC VIDEOS >:33
I'd love to take any and all questions asked :"33