why a sine wave.
why a serpent.
the picture really helps to understand.
in this dimension our sight corresponds to the arrangement of forces through the transduction of photons, wavelengths of naked force that are sheathed in light and thus allow the space dimension to have a personality.
and music, tonality, corresponds to the time dimension, as sounds has the carrier properties that organize our narrative experience, always rhythmic.
but both are representations of why the serpent has been seen as so important, it is an analogue of the wave forms which give us this particular human experience. it is a layer of abstraction removed, of course, but that is why the sacred geometry of architecture and also the harmonic patterns of music are so important to some mystic traditions.
the peaks and troughs of the standing wave represent any given present moment of experience you may be having. In the picture above do you see how there is a line splitting down the X axis of the wave as if it were an equator? that is the transliminal or zero point of experience and the translation of consciousness. it is between perception and awareness, and it is unceasingly perpetual, but at the same time, it is eternally transient.
the dual outside inside of the inside outside, is not conceptually amenable, but before conceptual appraisal, all logistics must be temporarily surrendered to the possibility. the standing wave, like everything in the cosmos, is a process of equilibrium, temperance. however, in order for life to be generative and fruitful, there can never be an absolute stasis of the system for an organism in the process of rendering itself materially.
your dna is a crystal, and it is a helix, of a lattice structure that conducts not only the organization of amino acids, but also their configurations through the subtlety of its other charges and dynamics in the organism of the global body.
I like that I found this because the butterflies are the dimension of progression, which is an impulse of sentience seeking to deepen the facets of its structure. we are not only unified as a mass collective encompassing the universe in this effort, but we share nested spheres of influence depending on our relative positions - cells do it within your body, the entire ecosystem does it within earth, the planets do it in the milky way, and every species as a mass organism engages in this feedback to. like channels of differing influence currents structuring the experience of sentience, on many different and subtle layers.
but this is also something we do internally only, if we so choose to sculpt the clay that is our birth right. we can arrange the relationship of internal feedback, and create new progressions in the state of spirit.
incidentally, the eclipse of the black sun is a white hole. when it is attained, the balance described by many methods in many traditions, the black hole of our pupils begins to not only transduct, but also transcibe as a source of outgoing light, rather than only transducting light coming in from the cosmic background.
theres a meeting of rays in this picture that corrosponds to the contact that occurs in the alchemy of revelations, which can happen internally, or with another human, or with another dimension of understanding. but this is the horizon point of the standing wave, the point where things meet and never cease to converge because they are always continuing to end and begin without remittance, but only for one crystal moment comprehending that no second of subjective time can be divided into emptiness.
the convergence then is the ray of vision meeting the clay sea of receptive form, but this is not something structurally transformed in the atomic sense. it is renegotiated potential. and it is harmony. music could not exist as such without consciousness itself existing to translate the dimension of experience that music exists within.
at one end of our outer universe is a supermassive black hole, and on the other side some say a white hole exists. a white hole is always pouring energy and information out, the opposite of a black hole. And between the two, we have a state of both compression and expansion that seems to make the death of all a given inevitability.
but "as above so below", the dramatic example of the white holes and black holes is not as central to our short lives as is the microcosmic equivalent. we negotiate gravity with physical mass, but the way we make ourselves distinct as disembodied experienecers and measurers is because our consciousness is actually an anti-gravity force, a dimension itself that we trace onto this dimension.
consciousness is tethered to perception through sensory mechanisms, but as we see every night and frequently experience with time relative dilations or dissociations, that perception is actually conditioned. we condition the tethering of consciousness to neural machinery in order to be utilize our intelligence and make ourselves distinct categories of experiencers capable of deep and complex internal thought.
without a structure for experience which contains its own dimension of force, the fifth dimension, there would be no organized way to contain a distinct experience, let alone in a consistent way. well our consciousness is aggregated individually into geometries that determine a moasaic of affinities, attractors, and entanglement or decoherence functions - this is the broadly and immediately possible spectrum of things that can happen to shroedinger's cat, essentially.
too complex, I guess so. but the pictures actually don't need to be explained if they are accessible in the transcendental "meditative" understanding of intersecting energy. the places where all things meet, zero point, is the white hole of the third eye meeting the black hole of the left and right eye. the point at which that white hole or white sun is an eclipse is the point at which the "weapon" of the soul is sharp enough to cut the cube of conditioned patterning both inward and in the broader fabric of our mass collective.
that tiny little hole of enormous gravitational pressure, that black hole, is the dot of our own 'eye/I', as well, that is where we change the material dimension and bring it into our own. that is where you see the tiny dot in the circle, the space between nucleus and outer shell. it seems impossible to approach something so inscrutable, but the best way is to become the atmosphere and know innately the imminence of lightning. even though we can't contain lightning, we can become the process that organizes it in both time and space.