I will tell you the truth, I am a seeker of truth and I don't like to give people theories that I feel like I don't have enough information to give solid support for.
The truth is for me, I have some theories but I absolutely do not have the evidence or the information to encourage my readers to believe ANYTHING FOR CERTAIN - not just yet. The BEST advice I have come up with is to think very carefully about all of these possibilities but reserve making absolute assumptions just yet - there is much here remaining a mystery and unanswered questions galore for which simply not enough evidence has emerged. I will say this...
I am not ruling anything out with the current pandemic: I am not ruling out any of the conspiracy theories about it, I am not ruling out the possibility it was manufactured in Wuhan, or that it is a way for the political global elite to begin conditioning humanity for a completely different standard of social compliance. At the same time, I can't say I'm educated enough to begin telling others, "well it must be this" or "it must be that". I feel it is irresponsible HOWEVER, of the intellectually honest to take the story we have been fed at face value. I absolutely have red flags and have ever since before the virus spread worldwide, when I was watching chinese citizens posting live footage from the lockdown in wuhan.
What the hell is the truth here? Here is one thing I feel I am currently confident in: the virus does exist, whoever made it, or whether it came from a bat - meh. Is it killing people? Yeah it is killing some people, but considering that most of the thinktanks believe there are too many humans anyway, and the death rate is so low, what I DO find suspicious is that they are being so fucking heavy handed about making people take this vaccine.
Say this shit wasn't a coronavirus, but rather, fucking EBOLA that mutated and became super contagious. You think I'd take the first vaccine that popped up on the market to avoid having my organs liquidate inside my body and blood pour out of my eyeballs? Fuck yeah I'd take that vaccine. But the way they are pushing this vaccine really irks me in some ways. Surely, a negative covid test should be enough for airports to allow you to travel without vaccination. But I can't tell you how many calls I've gotten from my own university, from my health insurance, ect, trying to push me and push me to get this damn vaccine - and I find the sheer effort expended on that particular endeavor to be a bit suspicious as well.
So let me sort of suggest another reason that back in the start of 2020, I was okay not putting too much thought into the mainstream narrative. I expected that there would be a more believable progression on the restrictions and policies of the lockdown. But every time things got better according to the health authorities, these "new waves" have incidentally began cropping up, allowing the new social order of mutual distrust among strangers and passerbys, and the encouragement of people to avoid the real actual world outside in favor of the safe and socially engineered social media world of news which nobody is allowed to go outside and personally verify.
Now we are approaching the latter half of 2021. Not only do we continue to have "new waves", we have "mutant strains" and shit now too. One might expect with the proliferation of the vaccine the authorities would be hopeful to encourage a slow de-escalation of this global panic. But here is the thing, its not happening, and that why I've truly began to question what is operating on the civil engineering level.
Let me restate this: the virus is real and a ton of people are dead. However, this is not a virus that is going to end the world if some people decide not to get vaccinated. If I was playing plague inc (a game where you design viruses and attempt to make them deadly enough to wipe out most or all of humanity before countries devise a cure) with a virus like covid I guarantee I would get a really terrible score for that attempt. We ought to be concerned about the dying people, of course. I know people who have died - second or third hand, but legit - I know others like family that have gotten infected. But - but - but: I must entreat myself to think about the fact that....
This is one of the most fantastic opportunities ever arising in the history of the world to create a vaccine the entire global population is essentially forced to take.
That is something which DOES bear considering. It truly does. It's not that I say, there is evidence to say it is true, but from a strictly logical and tactical point of view, the push for global vaccination is strategically a GREAT opportunity to do a bit of civil engineering.
I haven't researched the vaccine and I have no idea if there is anything sketchy about it, but being pushed into taking a vaccine that was rushed like wildfire, barely tested, onto the market is far less appealing to me than continuing to shut myself away in my house and avoid strangers, which the social order would STILL be encouraging whether I get the vaccine or not.
Look, I go outside, I wear a mask. I haven't gotten covid. If I got covid, sure that would such and there's a very slim possibility it could damage my lungs badly, but I am not in the slightest under the impression I am in peril myself, as I am not part of this vulnerable demographic.
I understand why in epidemiology, there is a philosophy of vaccinating everyone because even if the disease is not a threat to you, you could still pass it on to a vulnerable person. But the truth is I see something else at this point that concerns me a lot more that the threat of covid, and that is the global restructring of human attitude, group dynamics, and our relationship to reality itself. What really really worries me is that although there is very valid science behind "flattening the curve", it does NOT appear that our authorities WANT to ever return to pre-covid society.
We've already been struggling with an increasingly isolated an compartmentalized world that separates us from the real world outside of our houses and the possibility of a supportive human community, known to all sociologists to be an enormous factor in living a rich life and feeling supported in this world. It appears - and this is why my major suspicious have developed recently - that the authorities do NOT want us to ever return to a world where strangers on the street don't veer off to avoid you by wide margins or stare wide-eyed in disgust when a nearby person coughs.
We are now in Summer of 2021. The crisis just...keeps going. You got the vaccine? Great! But there's a new strain in India, so well...
I think this "New Normal" is a great development for the power structures of this world. Billionares increased their wealth by 500 billion with this pandemic while as usual the vast majority of us "plebs" have been economically ravished. And what does this do? It makes me people afraid of a virus, afraid of strangers, afraid of spending time outside, and terrified for their financial situation. You think people in this state of mind are ever going to do anything to destabilize the status quo? Nope.