Post by Montblanc on Aug 12, 2016 19:15:17 GMT
According to the U.S.A.'s Freedom of Information Act, full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the United States government is allowed. This doesn't mean full disclosure, as documents released will often blank out the names of those involved, the exception being dead people and non-governmental personnel. More info here:
So, a few weeks ago GLP showed this link to an internet archive where you could download a 3Gb+ compressed file of CIA reports in pdf format, all of them regarding MKultra contracts, experiments and applications. There are 12105 reports ranging from 9kb to 15Mb in space, including some 100% handwritten ones, most of which are likely drafts of the final reports. Here is the original link:
As agreed with Caylus Ark, I will post individual links for every report, a summary of each will be redacted in this post for everyone to see what's in each of them. Considering the sheer volume of the enterprise, we agreed that sharing work in analyzing these documents will be the fastest way to bring this work to conclusion.
9 June 1975
SUBJECT: Briefing Natioaal Security Agency (NSA)
Concerning the Parapsychology Project at
Stanford Research Institute
This one is a small briefing report about the above mentioned project, ongoing since 1972, it ends like this:
The briefing continued for about·- 1-1/2 hours and was seriously received. The bottom line was the usual "very interesting, important ••••• but I don' t see where we have a role to play to effect anything. Please keep us informed.
31 August 1973
SUBJECT: Discussion ot Parapsychology Research
with DIA Personnel 25 August 1973
This one is about a meeting at CIA headquarters between Chief Biomedical Sciences Branch, OSI, three DIA personnel and Cybernetics and Behavioral Sciences Branch from OSI. It discusses the following subject:
DIA is currently considering funding a program in parapsychology. DIA was being pushed to evaluate claims of paranormal abilities and felt a research program was necessary to provide reference information. Through various interactions with [] (who is involved with Soviet paranormal abilities) it was discovered [] knew personnel at Stanford Research Institute involved in parapsychology. Since some of the most interesting data available is being published by SRI, [] was attempting to obtain [] assessment of SRI and their potential for doing parapsychology research and verification for DIA.
Attachment to Contract Information Report - 19 July 1973
This one discusses the possibility of the contract's extension, as well as some progress achieved by the project regarding the possible applications of ESP in intelligence fields, here's a juicy snippet:
The administrative energy dissipated on the announcement of the rejection of further work and the scurrying to conclude the cost overrun situation could have adversely effect progress during the last quarter. Nevertheless, the following progress can be reported and a final report is still promised
by SRI. Correlations between correct predictions of the off-on condition of a light physically removed and hidden from Mr. Swann and certain characteristics brain wave patterns were observed. This lead is being pursued as a possible signature of successful sensing of the unexplained biofields. Positive results were obtained when Mr. Swann was asked to locate vertically and horizonally, the oil pockets in a previously surveyed oil field. Also Mr. Swann has produced a detailed description of a remote DOD site after only being given its map coordinates. Initial evaluation of his description is that it is impressively accurate. These latter two observations are uncontrolled experiments which have little scientific significance but do suggest a wide range of possible applications for such gifted individuals.
27 June 1973
SUBJECT: Turning Off the Stanford Research Institute
Program, Stanford Besearch Institute
Menlo Park, California
This one deals with an upper eschelon's concerns that the project's subject's inherent sensitivity would warrant the agency some bad and unwanted publicity, as the reporting officer gives is reasons against a complete discontinnuity of this research, which he foresees as in the agency's highest interest in the near or not too far future. Here's the most interesting part of it:
4. It would be unfortunate if this research area is buried because of its sensitivity. The results of the studies completed at SRI certainly indicate the existence of a type of phenomena which is not well understood. This phenomena, if controllable does and will have profound implications for intelligence collection and security. I predict there will be renewed interest in paranormal abilities within the Agency at some future date and that the current decision for complete cessation of work will be regretted.
This one clearly shows that their findings were being published on scientific and technical information media to bolster technological research. They also mention that in regard to "remote viewing", it is an ability that while, not natural in humans, can be developed with training even by unselected subjects, meaning you don't need any special powers to remote view, only proper training. The following is an excerpt from this document:
We choose the term "remote viewing" as a neutral those areas of physics and information theory that appear to
descriptive term free from prior associations and bias as to be relevant to an understanding of certain aspects of the
The development at SRI of a successful experimental procedure to elicit this capability has evolved to the point where in an early pilot experiment, persons such as visiting government scientists and contract monitors, with no previous exposure to such concepts, have learned to perform well; and subjects who have trained over a one-year, period have performed excellently under a variety of
experimental conditions. Our accumulated data thus indicate that both specially selected and unselected persons can be assisted in developing remote perceptual abilities up to a
level of useful information transfer.