Post by Montblanc on Aug 14, 2016 22:14:23 GMT
Thank you amadeus I think I understand a little better now. Still, even after much progress was achieved, what you call our past recorded history of 50000 years is an uncomplete story, 50 years ago we believed our modern civilization had begun flourishing approximately 6000 years ago. Recent archeological discoveries though, suggest that mega-structures, that required sedentary human presence and which function isn't yet clearly understood seem to change that perspective, or at least muddle it even further. History being the flawed discipline it is, struggles between maintaining an "acceptable", "clean", and sometimes politically correct overview of our collective past's truth. That bothers me, as it bothers others for their own reasons, since, if we are to learn from history's lessons, what kind of learning are we supposed to obtain from wrong or uncomplete sources?
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Post by Deleted on Aug 15, 2016 0:47:41 GMT
I have been informed that the "hive" mind is seeking a female to bear the Illuminati's lineage. Some call her Isis, others have different names for her. Perhaps she's the Woman of Scars/Stars. Some of you think she is a Celebrity out there. Some believe she must be Rh-. I don't have the answer to that. I also don't know what the Illuminati will do with her when they find her. I think they will use her as OYE said, to make the holy grail. They want her womb. The have many male children already. But the girls? They can't produce one with their own bloodlines. They have to find her. 1. 2. 3. 4. ?
Post by Amadeus on Aug 15, 2016 10:12:51 GMT
Thank you amadeus I think I understand a little better now. Still, even after much progress was achieved, what you call our past recorded history of 50000 years is an uncomplete story, 50 years ago we believed our modern civilization had begun flourishing approximately 6000 years ago. Recent archeological discoveries though, suggest that mega-structures, that required sedentary human presence and which function isn't yet clearly understood seem to change that perspective, or at least muddle it even further. History being the flawed discipline it is, struggles between maintaining an "acceptable", "clean", and sometimes politically correct overview of our collective past's truth. That bothers me, as it bothers others for their own reasons, since, if we are to learn from history's lessons, what kind of learning are we supposed to obtain from wrong or uncomplete sources? nicley said
Post by Caylus Ark on Aug 16, 2016 4:55:24 GMT
She is trapped by her karmic destiny to be perpetually misunderstood. But she has resolved her ego and it isn't important to her that she be seen for the truth of her actions, only that she does what is needed for her. Because she is the embodiment of what is unknown, when people see her they encounter a projection of their shadow. But she is not that shadow. She is the light behind the shadow.
Post by onion on Aug 16, 2016 21:42:06 GMT
So the Illuminati are not necessarily the bad guys. There are two illuminati. Some of you know this as the "great white brotherhood" versus the "black brotherhood". The black brotherhood want her sacrificed upon an alter. The white brotherhood are the "unknown" sages, the janitors. They want to unite her with the nobody. That sucks, I know what it's like to be starcrossed and its not fun.
Post by Caylus Ark on Aug 16, 2016 21:54:31 GMT
So the Illuminati are not necessarily the bad guys. There are two illuminati. Some of you know this as the "great white brotherhood" versus the "black brotherhood". The black brotherhood want her sacrificed upon an alter. The white brotherhood are the "unknown" sages, the janitors. They want to unite her with the nobody. That sucks, I know what it's like to be starcrossed and its not fun. No it's not. But think of all the energy generated by the magnetism of electron shells that want to share valence. Imagine there was a barrier between the two atoms that was both sucking the particles in and keeping them apart. The energy created by their efforts to join were drawn into that void inside the barrier. That's what the black brotherhood is doing to these two.
Post by onion on Aug 16, 2016 22:02:47 GMT
That sucks, I know what it's like to be starcrossed and its not fun. No it's not. But think of all the energy generated by the magnetism of electron shells that want to share valence. Imagine there was a barrier between the two atoms that was both sucking the particles in and keeping them apart. The energy created by their efforts to join were drawn into that void inside the barrier. That's what the black brotherhood is doing to these two. I'm well aware of the spatial and energetic relations. You'd be surprised, or maybe not, how much closing distance disrupts that.
Post by ben on Aug 16, 2016 23:52:56 GMT
100 years ago we'd all be to uneducated to even fantasize about theses subjects let alone draw mataphors to classical physics. Ahhh it's great to be alive!
Post by Caylus Ark on Aug 17, 2016 9:20:14 GMT
Well okay. She's got a dragon avatar. But her dragon only eats the unworthy. She dwells within opposites in order to test people's hearts. She wants to know if you can see beyond the obvious. Ma'at is bound to her incarnation in this era. That is the sword of justice in the weighing of the heart.
The black brotherhood have used their connection to her to cause pain in others. Her destiny is inextricably linked in the astral world to thousands of other destinies. They use her magnetism to cause fixation of others. Psychic Vampires immediately sense her aura. It is irresistable for them but its like a trap. The depth of her actual power is buried under many layers and comes out only under duress.
The black brotherhood can control her sexuality, and have caused traumatizing things to happen to her and cause her to attract those things. This is part of the poison of their linkage to her. It is also her retreat away from the bonds of others, while she has deep relationships she has been "frozen" from love due to mistrust. But those to whom she is loyal she fights fiercely for. The spirits which protect her do guard her against the incursion of the most nefarious spirits. But they can't fix the part already inside of her that reports on her to them, it was instigated as a ritual even before her birth so they would maintain some control over the power of her avatars.
Post by onion on Aug 18, 2016 5:43:00 GMT
I was going to mention sexual aspects but that would get not only explicit but exceedingly complicated
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Post by Deleted on Aug 18, 2016 6:52:53 GMT
Post by River on Aug 18, 2016 13:05:47 GMT
Predatory behavior, whether by astral means, emotional, psychological or physical is unethical and immoral no matter how many details you attribute to it.
Post by onion on Aug 18, 2016 13:32:39 GMT
pheromones, the role of the brain, and themes and archetypes, are important factors
Post by Caylus Ark on Aug 18, 2016 23:34:33 GMT
Predatory behavior, whether by astral means, emotional, psychological or physical is unethical and immoral no matter how many details you attribute to it. Of course it is. When you know its going on, what do you choose to do about it?
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Post by Deleted on Aug 18, 2016 23:44:59 GMT
'course, ive also known a lady or 2 in love with an abuser... thats when it gets ugly
Post by Therin on Aug 19, 2016 9:47:42 GMT
Predatory behavior, whether by astral means, emotional, psychological or physical is unethical and immoral no matter how many details you attribute to it. Predatory behavior is humanity's most evolved trait.
Post by Therin on Aug 19, 2016 9:48:17 GMT
Best to embrace it.
Post by onion on Aug 19, 2016 17:40:33 GMT
thats easily the worst thing Ive read here
Post by OYE on Aug 19, 2016 17:59:14 GMT
Predatory behavior, whether by astral means, emotional, psychological or physical is unethical and immoral no matter how many details you attribute to it. Predatory behavior is humanity's most evolved trait. Predatory behavior is humanity's LEAST evolved trait It's one of the oldest traits though If you want to be an Animal.. maybe you should join the Circus..
Post by River on Aug 19, 2016 18:08:53 GMT
Predatory behavior, whether by astral means, emotional, psychological or physical is unethical and immoral no matter how many details you attribute to it. Predatory behavior is humanity's most evolved trait. I actually IS...it has become SOOO refined, so well thought out, so perfected and utilized among predatory types. There are, of course numerous reasons why people do this so much. It's not so much for survival anymore, but I think it's stealing control and stealing energy. Take a child predator, for example. Back when I was a child, a man tried to lure me into his vehicle with the idea that he had a daughter my age and would I come play with her and keep her company. The tactics are many, and through trial and error of others who have succeeded or failed, this mechanism, this monster becomes more and more dangerous to our children. Now, take the sociopath, who learns so much via mimicry of others to project charm and emotion in order to swindle others. The list goes on and on. Whatever the motivator, if strong enough, will evolve a predators nature (human or animal). Since, in nature, the majority of predators are already quite successful, I think they've plateaued. With humans, well, not so much. Embrace it? I guess you'd have to expand upon that remark in order for me to comment on it with full understanding.